"At Turves Green Primary everyone is valued and included. Pupils say that their school ‘is a special place because no one is an outsider, and no one is left out’. Pupils, parents and staff agree this is a school that is getting better every day."

Reception - Sunflowers

Reception have been very busy learning about sunflowers! 

We read the story 'Jasper's Beanstalk, where Jasper is trying to grow a beanstalk. We talked about all of the different things that plants need so that they are able to grow. We then decided to grow our own plant and decided on sunflowers. We planted the seeds, ensuring that they had everything that they had enough soil and water, before placing them near a window in the sunlight. 

After planting our seeds, we decided to write a set of instructions on how to plant a sunflower that we could send to Jasper to help him to plant his own sunflower. 

To end our topic, we learnt all about the Dutch artist Vincent van Gough. Inspired by his painting 'Sunflowers', we painted our own observational pictures of sunflowers, using our colour mixing skills to match the colours perfectly. 

Take a look at some of our amazing work!